Patient Care
Patient care remains our main priority.
We will be be adhering to government guidelines and keeping our denture clinic open.
Because we see patients on an appointment- only basis, we have tight control over who is in the building at any given time.
With the strictest of cleaning policies using hospital grade disinfectants and the highest level of sterilisation available we will continue to offer denture care to our community.
The only reasons you should not attend your appointments are:
- You have a new, continuous cough
- You have a temperature of 37.8’ or higher
- You have been instructed to self- Isolate
The latest guidance indicates that if you are experiencing coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, you will need to stay at home and self-isolate for seven days.
The most common symptoms of coronavirus are a recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or a high temperature. For most people, coronavirus will be a mild infection.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and need to reschedule an appointment with us, please call us 0151 933 1888.
See the latest guidance from Public Health England for more information: http://bit.ly/38Nu5dt